Word of Mouth is teaming up with the mighty Bristol Short Story Prize for an evening of short and flash fiction at The Thunderbolt. Here are the details and an eflyer you can forward to your literary chums. Don’t forget there’s still time to enter the 2013 Prize and check out the website for details of The Prize on Radio 4 http://www.bristolprize.co.uk
Our readers on April 3 are Tania Hershman, Holly Corfield Car, Kevlin Henney and Nick Rawlinson.
Tania Hershman is the author of two short story collections, My Mother Was An Upright Piano: Fictions (Tangent Books, 2012), and The White Road and Other Stories (Salt, 2008). Her short stories have been published online and in print and broadcast on Radio 3 and 4. www.taniahershman.com.
Holly Corfield Carr is a Bristol-based writer and artist. She received an Eric Gregory Award from the Society of Authors in 2012 and is currently working as writer-in-residence at Spike Island, supported by Arts Council England. You can hear Holly’s short fiction for Portwall Lane Car Park as part of Missorts, a permanent public soundwork for the Redcliffe area of Bristol, produced by Situations. And you can follow Holly’s other projects at www.hollycorfieldcarr.wordpress.com.
Kevlin Henney writes shorts and flashes and drabbles of fiction. His fiction has appeared in or online at Litro, New Scientist, Word Gumbo, Fiction365, Dr. Hurley’s Snake-oil Cure, Every Day Fiction, The Pygmy Giant, The Fabulist, The Liminal and FlashStories.net, and has been included in the Jawbreakers and Kissing Frankenstein & Other Stories anthologies. He is winner of the 2012 Oxford Flash Slam. He lives in Bristol and online.
Nick Rawlinson is a Bristol-based actor and author whose short story The Final Whistle was shortlisted for the 2009 Prize and appeared in Volume 2 of the Bristol Short Story Prize anthology.
The Thunderbolt
Weds 3 April, 8.00 pm